Confidence Power Trac Pro for 2022 Reviews & Guide [Top Rated Products]

The Confidence Power Trac Pro Motorized Treadmill is a decent piece of gym equipment assuming you’re hoping to begin an ordinary cardio practice routine that incorporates strolling or running. All things considered, assuming you’re hoping to run at a speedy speed, it’s likely not really for you. The primary reasons it’s not incredible for running are its little running surface and similarly little engine. The 600w engine on the Confidence Power Trac Pro Motorized Treadmill can just get you up to 6.2 mph. That might be useful for somebody simply beginning in running, however it’s probably going to restrict you in the more extended run.

Beyond the running surface and motor, it has some truly pleasant elements like the capacity to lean and 12 exercise profiles to keep your advantage while strolling or running. In general, the Confidence Power Trac Pro is a decent treadmill for the people who are hoping to get some light exercise and work on their wellbeing. Peruse on for our full home treadmill audit on the Confidence Power Trac Pro.

Functions & Performance

There are an aggregate of 12 distinct preset workout regimes that permit you to get everything rolling without setting the rates and levels generally all alone. This is a noteworthy number of presets for a passage level treadmill.

The levels begin simple with pre-set 1 and get more earnestly as you go up to pre-set 12. You’ll need to begin with the essential levels and gradually move gradually planning some mischief that will be more enthusiastic as your wellness improves.

If you don’t need a full pre-set exercise yet you’re not enthused about going through the sublevels of speed you can utilize one of the four preset rates from 3 km/h, 5 km/h, 8 km/h or 10 km/h to get yourself up somewhat quicker without going up each little advance in turn.


Noise Level

If you’re searching for something calm to run on then this is a sensible decision since it has a more modest engine and lower speeds that hold it back from turning out to be excessively clear. The track likewise chugs along as expected to guarantee every one of the pieces keep the commotion level down yet it won’t be totally calm.

Incline levels

The best element of this treadmill is the incline levels. The various degrees of grade help in working out more viable in light of the fact that specific degrees of slopes consume fat all the more quickly. Power Trac Pro treadmill offers three unique degrees of grade which can be set physically in the request which you need to utilize them. The slope levels are set to 2, 3.5 and 5 degrees and you can set them as per your inclination. Assuming you are running on your treadmill you’ll need to follow one Incline setting and to transform it you’ll need to venture off it.

The incline level can likewise be passed on to level surface assuming you favor running on a level surface as it were. Be that as it may, by expanding the slope you can all the more likely consume your fats as this component targets various muscles and increments the everyday working out limit as well.

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The treadmill is incredible for individuals who need to begin with light running or strolling. You can utilize it for loosen up strolling and light running at the setting of 3 km/h and go as high as 10 km/h. Thus, regardless of whether you’re a genuine sprinter, you’ll find this treadmill extremely accommodating. The 10 km/h is the most extreme speed and it permits you to add a few runs too alongside your preparation. You can undoubtedly accomplish 10 km/h speed provided that you’re a quick sprinter.

A 600 W engine is incorporated into the framework which permits the machine to accomplish this rapidly. The speed levels are partitioned into four preset gatherings from 1 km/h to 10 km/h. There are different treadmills which are outfitted with more effective engines yet this one is truly reasonable. At this cost you’ll get a powerful motor that can deliver the perfect measure of force for your running. Alongside the preset speed levels, there are 12 work out regimens that work as per the speed levels. You can pick any preset speed level for the workout regimes you need.

Size & Weight

The running track on the Power Trac Pro is on the little end at 36 cm across and 100 cm long. This gives adequate room to the vast majority to move around, regardless of whether you need to run or walk. In case you are taller or heavier you might experience a tad of difficulty moving rapidly on this track, however generally it’s a decent size and it’s not very restricted for the vast majority.

At the point when it’s totally unfurled and all set, the unit is 125 cm long by 61 cm wide by 120 cm tall. This is a decent smaller size with regards to tracking down a space to place it in your home, particularly assuming you’re anticipating leaving it set up constantly.

When you’re prepared to overlay it up and store it away you have a length of 126 cm by 61 cm by and 27 cm tall so it can without much of a stretch be put away under a bed or rose up to fit toward the rear of a storeroom. Regardless your arrangements are, you’ll have the option to take care of it and move it effectively enough.

Weighing just 24 kg, this unit is entirely simple to move when you need to move it or when you want to set it up for introductory use. This guarantees you’re all set when you need to and the treadmill won’t impede you.


Confidence Fitness gives no guarantee on the Power Trac Pro Motorized Treadmill. That is not a positive sentiment. Despite the fact that this is a section level treadmill, nobody needs to face a major challenge on $250. It is additionally a cycle worried that Confidence Fitness isn’t backing up their machine. There are treadmills in this value range that will give guarantees. In this vein, look at our survey of the Weslo Cadence G 5.9 Treadmill.

Assembly & Delivery

It ships for free within the UK and once you’re ready to get started putting it together assembly is not too difficult.

You might need someone to assist you with moving it around once it shows up as it tends to be a little cumbersome in the case, yet you shouldn’t have any issue getting it to whatever room of the house you need and afterward beginning with the gathering system.

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With regards to the directions to assemble things you’re heading to view they leave a little as wanted, however that happens a lot with guidance manuals for pretty much anything. All things considered, you ought to have the option to get it gathered somewhat effectively in light of the fact that there’s not a ton you even need to assemble for yourself.


  • Display: LED computer display screen
  • Motor: Basic 600 W
  • Incline levels: 3 (manual) up to 5 degrees
  • Speed levels: 4 preset ones
  • Programs: 12 fitness programs (built-in)
  • Foldable: Yes
  • Maximum weight: 265 lbs.
  • Warranty: No


  • It is very quiet.
  • It has 3 incline levels.
  • It is great for beginners.
  • There are 4 different speed levels.
  • There are 12 built-in fitness programs.
  • The LED screen displays time, distance, and speed.


  • There is no warranty
  • Low motor power
  • Limited tread size
  • Feels shaky and unstable
  • The running surface is very small
  • Vague manual instructions

Customer Reviews

The treadmill is adored by numerous customers who have quite recently begun working out. This is on the grounds that it is a section level treadmill and is intended to keep individuals fit and shrewd. The treadmill has many fulfilled clients and the majority of them think that it is truly reasonable. The clients are content with the conveyance interaction and get together as it is exceptionally smooth and simple. A client expressed that he got what he needed in light of the fact that it is an exceptionally down to earth machine which offers great running.

Confidence Power Trac Pro treadmill is a reasonable and across the board kind of machine that offers various elements to the wellness fans. It has distinctive slope levels and speed choices, and the underlying projects are additionally exceptionally supportive. The treadmill is ideal for the fledglings and middle exercisers who need to consume their calories in a brief period. However it has a little running region, it is furnished with an amazing motor that will permit you to speed up and add a few runs as well.


The Confidence Power Trac Pro is a truly sensible all-around machine at a spending plan cost. It offers an assortment of work out schedules, which is incredible for amateur and progressed treadmill clients and furthermore has a scope of paces up to 10 km/h.

It is a more modest unit and doesn’t monitor your heartbeat rate, however it will screen your speed, distance, time, and calories utilized.

If you are better than expected tallness or weight, or you wish to remember a few runs for your preparation I would suggest you spend somewhat more and go with a mid-range model, for example, the JLL S300 which accompanies a bigger running surface, quicker maximum velocity and a power slant.

All things considered, generally the Power Trac Pro is appropriate for most uses for amateur to moderate exercisers, with the main genuine downside being the manual slope and somewhat more modest running surface, the two of which are normal at this cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are confidence treadmills good?

Feedback on this treadmill is very good overall with the majority of customers pleased with how quiet the treadmill runs and how easy it was to assemble. This feature is highly valued by customers who are short on space, making workouts at home easier.

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2. What happens if you don’t lubricate a treadmill?

If you don’t lubricate your treadmill, you risk your treadmill getting damaged. For example, you could wear out your belt, deck and drive motor. Skipping the lubrication will put more stress on your treadmill and interfere with its performance.

3. Will any magnet work as a treadmill key?

The key is a strong magnet that pulls a metal strip into place, allowing power to travel to the motor. Magnetic keys are the easiest to replace. Simply find a magnet that fits in the place of the key. If the treadmill still does not start, use a stronger magnet.

4. Will a Proform treadmill work without a safety key?

Treadmills can be modified to run without a key. Many treadmills are designed to operate with a safety key. Making a treadmill run without a key is possible by installing a jumper bypass at the safety switch. However, most owner’s manuals do not recommend operating treadmills without the safety features in place.

5. How do I know if my treadmill drive belt is bad?

Run your hand along the underside and top to check for signs of excessive wear. This may come in the form of discoloration or extreme smoothness. Discoloration for most treadmill belts will seem dark, almost black. And if some areas are too smooth, then it may be a sign that you need a treadmill belt replacement.

6. Can you use WD 40 on a treadmill?

Treadmills require a 100% silicone and this product is a mixture. Using the wrong type of oil or lubricant on your treadmill may cause serious damage to the belt, motor and other moving parts. Avoid using household oils and lubricants such as WD-40, silicone spray or oil to lubricate your treadmill.

7. Why does my treadmill speed up on its own?

If the walk belt or board are too dry or some other issue is causing excess drag it can usually be felt as a minor hesitation or small speed changes as the system tries to compensate for the excess load changes.

8. Is silicone spray good for treadmills?

LIQUID WRENCH Silicone Spray Lubricant can provide a super slippery coating for plastic surfaces like treadmill decks. We only recommend using silicone spray after contacting the manufacturer and confirming that your specific model can use a general purpose silicone lubricant.

9. How tight should my treadmill drive belt be?

The belt should be tight enough that you are able to walk without slipping. you may notice grooves or ridges if the belt is too loose. watch your feet to check if the alignment is slightly off to the right or left. Keep adjusting until the belt does not slip and is in the center.

10. Do treadmill motors need oil?

The treadmill oil is an important component to the general maintenance of your treadmill. Some treadmill models require lubrication before the first use while other models don’t require lubrication until after several hours of usage.